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18 Wonderful Tips on How to Be a Good Class Monitor


A class monitor is a student who assists the teacher in routine duties. They maintain class discipline in the teacher’s absence and lead the class through various activities. They should act as a role model for the rest of the students.

Who selects a class monitor?

Usually, a class teacher selects the class monitor. Well-mannered, responsible and proactive students who are good at academics are the usual choices. Some schools give students the freedom to elect their class monitor while others choose class monitors on a rotational basis. It helps to instil leadership and people skills in every student.

How to be a good class monitor?

It is important for the monitor to set behavioural standards for other students to consider him or her as a role model.

A class monitor needs to be well-mannered and should excel in communication skills. Here are some tips to hone your leadership skills:

1. Analyse your strengths

Knowing your strengths allows you to push yourself to be better. It helps maintain the teachers’ trust in your abilities and help your classmates rely on you as well.

2. Involve yourself in extracurricular activities

Participate in various extracurricular activities and motivate your classmates’ to do the same. Join a science club, writers’ club, cricket team, theatre society, dance groups etc. By setting an example for them, you will help develop such interests in your classmates.

3. Take action

Be prompt in your actions; do not always wait for the teachers to assign duties.  In case of a problem, inform people who can find solutions or take the initiative to solve it immediately.

4. Foster growth

Usually, the class monitor is good in academics. You should not look down on those who do not perform well. Help them improve and realise their potential.

5. Be respectful

Remember that you get respect only if you give it first. If you have a difference in opinion, do not fear to voice it. Just make sure to be respectful and polite.

6. Be punctual and organised

These two qualities make a huge difference in how people view you. Inspiring punctuality and discipline will ensure that the whole class makes a good impression on teachers. To do that, you need to organize your daily activities and manage your time better first.

7. Don’t bully anyone

Many a time, your classmates will approach you with their problems, which might be personal and private. Do not gossip about them with your peers or take advantage of such information to bully them.

8. Be fair and impartial

Do not give in to peer pressure and treat your classmates differently. Be fair to everyone in the class. If your friends are making noise, report about them to the teacher as you would report about others. Do not be partial to your friends and allow everyone a fair chance to participate in activities. This will help your classmates trust you.

9. Improve your communication skills

Good communication skills are essential to express yourself clearly. You have to be a patient listener as well. Make sure to listen to all the voices in the classroom.

10. Be resourceful

As the class leader, you need to come up with solutions for daily trivialities. Try to take charge and do not bother the teacher for every single matter. If the teacher has trouble finding materials needed for an activity, suggest alternatives to them. If the class is unable to find time for some extracurricular activity, bring it to the teacher’s attention and find a solution.

11. Be flexible and open-minded

In some situations, standard solutions might not work. Not all will approve of all your decisions. Some might even find faults in how you manage the class in the teacher’s absence. Be flexible and open-minded and listen to the other side patiently in such situations.

12. Know your school and class well

You should be aware of the details of your school — the building, the teaching and non-teaching staff, the annual school schedule and the school rules. This will help you to remain organized, facilitate communication and maintain school-ordained decorum within the sphere of the classroom.

13. Be the official channel between teacher and class

You are a channel of communication between the teacher and the class. You have to forward the important announcements from the authorities to the class. As the representative of the class, you have to inform the teachers about the problems faced by them.

14. Maintain discipline in the absence of teachers

In the absence of the teacher, make sure that the class is not making noise. You can think of an activity to engage your classmates in the absence of the teacher. Ensure that the nearby classrooms are not disturbed by these activities.

15. Collect homework on time and distribute the corrected papers

Remember the homework schedule, double-check with the teacher at the end of each period and remind your classmates about the submission date of the homework at the end of school every day. Ensure that all students have submitted their homework before the class. Make a note of the students who do not and report them to the teacher.

16. Lead your classmates through the school activities

Keep a check on the activity schedule of the class and the school and make sure that your classmates are ready for the activities. Learn to coordinate and work well with other class monitors for intra-school activities. Help other students with their class projects and presentations.

17. Ensure that the materials required in the classroom are present

The classroom needs to have a sufficient supply of chalk, duster, whiteboard markers and activity supplies at all times. Take good care of any resource the teacher has entrusted with you. Take charge of the keys of the class cabinet. Make sure to report any damages to furniture, electrical appliances etc., to the teacher.

18. Help your classmates improve through peer-learning

Most schools implement peer-learning as an integral part of academic activities as it helps students learn faster. Everyone should benefit from peer learning. The class monitor should ensure the proper execution of peer learning in the classroom.

The position of the class monitor is an important part of your personal growth. Do not let the power go to your head. Stay friendly to maintain strong relationships with everyone in the class.

This way, you can be a successful class monitor.

Veena Raizada

With more than 40 years of experience in school education, Ms Raizada has conducted approximately 1000 training sessions for teachers, students and parents. She is also a pioneer in developing technology-enabled products.


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